This is a list of some of the factors that influence your Local ranking, this list is not definitive and is ever changing and evolving.
On-Page Factors (21.0%)
1. Presence of NAP (Name, Address, Phone) 2. Keywords in Titles 3. Domain Authority 4. etc.Link Factors (18.3%)
1. Inbound anchor text 2. Linking domain authority 3. Linking domain quantity 4. etc.External Location Factors (15.5%)
1. IYP/aggregator NAP consistency 2. Citation Volume 3. etc.My Business Factors (14.7%)
1. Google My Business Account 2. Categories 3. Keyword in Business Title 4. Proximity 5. etc.Reviews (9.8%)
1. Review quantity 2. Review velocity 3. Review diversity 4. etc.Personalization (8.4%)
Behavior/Mobile (6.9%)
1. Clickthrough rate 2. Mobile clicks to call 3. Check-ins 4. Offers 5. etc.Social (5.8%)
1. Google+ authority 2. Facebook Likes 3. Twitter Followers 4. etc.Local Ranking Factors(external Link)
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